Perpetua provides more than what you need to win right now, we build for the future so you can confidently drive your business forward, knowing we’ve got your back.

From Insights →
To Incrementality

From Insights →
To Incrementality

insights → incrementality
Savvy advertisers are shifting their focus from metrics like ACOS and ROAS in favor of incrementality and ROI as a measure of success. Perpetua doesn't just provide you with data driven insights. We make it easy to take action on these insights to maximize incremental sales and overall growth.

Use Amazon Stream data to optimize your search placement.


Win the race to Top of Search every time, and stay there at the lowest cost possible. Unlock placement attribution at the keyword level thanks to the most innovative application of Amazon Stream data on the market.
Click to favorite a topic →

Keep an eye on competition to inform your strategy.


Easily monitor your market share and get ahead of rising competition. Access highly accurate data for the top 100 million ASINs on Amazon (units sold, revenue, reviews, price, keyword rankings, and more) so you can have ultimate confidence in your insights, recommendations, and decision making.
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Sales Opportunity Finder

Establish custom market niches to discover untapped sales.

By narrowing in on exact competitors for each of your ASINS you'll uncover unique opportunities to drive more sales. Analyze keyword overlap for your top-selling ASINs and get an estimate of the revenue you could be generating by investing more strategically.


Unveiling the power of incremental search terms and ASINs for top of search →

Understanding incremental search terms and ASINs is integral to running effective top-of-search ad campaigns and occupying pole position on results pages.
"These advanced features have driven significant wins across our client portfolio"
By using Perpetua, we've gained the ability to modify our bids based on our products’ organic rank, adjust budgets based on real-time product stock levels, and use intra-day bid adjustments to target times of the day that convert most efficiently. These advanced features have driven significant wins across our client portfolio, allowing us to reinvest the savings into incremental growth.
Director of Amazon Advertising at Sitruna
Boost productivity and efficiency with approachable, action oriented tools. Our streamlined user experience eliminates noise and allows you to focus on what matters.

Effortlessly build and manage Amazon DSP campaigns.


Perpetua's algorithm has been proven to outperform the native console's DSP optimization by 20%. Our ad engine automatically shifts budgets between line items to for better performance and pacing using the most up-to-date data. Not only will you perform better, you'll save time on painstaking manual adjustments, freeing you up to focus on strategy.
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Leveraging the Amazon DSP with Perpetua we were able to reach new customers and win key placements with little competition - helping us maximize our spend and ensuring we allocate our budget properly across our activations.
eTail Marketing Manager, EMEA at Crocs

Amazon DSP Audience Builder

Build custom Amazon DSP audiences in minutes.

No more tedious, time consuming audience creation. Perpetua Audience Builder provides templates with built in best practices so you can craft custom audiences across the entire funnel in minutes.
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Tighten Amazon DSP targeting to maximize incremental sales.


Use data from AMC Audiences in the Perpetua app to understand what audiences aren't converting and divert your budget to those that do convert. By making sure your ads find the right audience, you can boost sales and make your budget go further.

Amazon DSP Budget Pacer

Say goodbye to black box budget pacing.

Our automated DSP budget pacer keeps you in the know on how your budget is tracking for the month so you can stay on target without sacrificing KPI performance.

Perpetua Stream

Our Stream updates give you a better overall user experience.

Perpetua Stream gives you insights to hourly data so you can increase or decrease bidding based on when your campaigns are most likely to perform throughout the day, every day of the week.

By optimizing your bidding strategy you can maximize both incrementality and efficiency. We've recently updated our Stream offering to make your life easier.
Updates include:
Single- and multi-campaign goals are now merged into the same list for a more streamlined selection process
Warning badge on goals to indicate when a segment already exists in a schedule or when targets have fixed manual bid adjustments
Improved layout to help you easily understand which goals have 
been 'selected'
Ability to filter goals list by status, segment, and goal type

Campaign Status Check

Quickly diagnose and resolve campaign issues.

Quickly and easily diagnose any issue preventing your campaigns from running properly. Know immediately whether you need to take action on the Amazon or Perptua platform.
Stagnant → Scale
In the past, ad management meant an endless list of manual tasks. Perpetua has built in automations that make handling operations easy, freeing you up to focus on higher level strategy and drive real impact.

Stay on top of your budget to boost sales.

Real-time budget recommendations

Make sure your highest performing ads stay visible to customers so you never lose out on sales,especially during big tentpole events. Select at what percentage of budget usage you want to be notified and you’ll get real-time alerts when that usage has been reached. Take action from your desktop or on-the-go using the Perpetua iOS app.
Perpetua has given us the actionable insights to make revenue-impacting decisions quickly so that we can spend time moving the needle and not worrying about the to-do
Co-Founder at Rich Insight


Perform bulk actions in one centralized place.

Our Bulk Actions Control Panel lets you seamlessly manage your goals and campaigns all in one place. In this tab you can launch new goals, access campaign level bulk CSV uploads, and adjust budgets and target ACOS for existing goals. You can also add branded and competitor phrases, keywords, and ASIN targets all 
in bulk.


Closed beta

Use AI to generate high-converting headlines.

Our system uses AI to generate headline options based on product titles, or you can add prompts to guide it. Once you approve headlines they will auto-populate in your Sponsored Brand goal flow.


Know immediately when you're low on inventory to prevent wasted ad spend.

Don't waste money advertising products you don't have in stock. Inventory Based Recommendations will let you know when you need to pause ads due to low inventory. When you accept this recommendation, ads for that product will be paused across all goals.
"Since launching 
on Perpetua, we've seen a 51% increase in total sales..."

Co-Founder at Nectar
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Insights to Incrementality

Top of Search Optimization

Market Intelligence

Sales Opportunity Finder

Daunting to Delightful

Amazon DSP Optimization

AMC Audiences

Amazon DSP Audience Builder

Amazon DSP Budget Pacer

Traffic Reporting

Spotlight Search

Perpetua Stream

Sponsored Products Goal Flow

Campaign Status Check

Stagnant to Scale

AI-Powered Headlines

Real-time Budget Recommendations

Retail-Aware Recommendations

Bulk Actions Control Panel